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Sean's Blog Show

Format: Blog Show
Created By: Sean Mathis
Producer: Sean Mathis
No. of Seasons: 6 (NEW SEASON)
No. of episodes: 144 Episodes (As of May 5, 2010)
Original Run: December 6, 2009 - Present

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

blog #14 (January 13, 2010)

Well today was a very crazy day because we had a 100th episode at school on the show which is BETV and we worked all day and we got it done and we played the show and i was very happy to say that because it has been a very difficult year for me and i think i just need to take breather...i have so much priorities on my back that i don't know what to do.

Usually i don't post allot of words because i like to express my episode blogs with pictures, videos, and even some funny quotes but i just wanted to take the time out and express what i am feeling right now because i have a hard time at school with television and i try very hard at what i do and i also have a internship and that makes my life even more hard because i look like a ass sometimes in front of them and that is so not cool and it is not me.

I Just wanted to get my stuff straight because i am going into college in a few months hopefully and i need to move on with my life and i know that i can't do that if i am stress out over some issues that may or may not can't solve in the long run but i know one day i will be in my mind a successful guy with a beautiful son or daughter. 

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